Friday, January 25, 2019

What Nature reveals

Nature tells us that we are not alone. We are surrounded by a myriad of living things.  These things range from the microscopic to the gigantic. They are complex, detailed and interdependent. Though we as humans are able to consider these qualities and are able to describe the principles upon which they function, we are not able to do much more than manipulate the forces and matter around us. And even that has its limitations. So we can track the great weather changes across the globe, we are unable to stop the hurricane from its destructive path. We suppose that butterfly wings in Japan can influence the sands in the deserts of Tunisia, and still these small influences with monumental consequences happen without our consent. If we consider the power and complexity of our own minds in light of the complexity and power of nature we must conclude that a greater mind is at work. It is our task not only to learn how to harmonize with the world of nature, but more importantly to seek the mind of the creator of such a vast and awesome world. In essence, we must recognize our humble estate.

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