Sunday, November 17, 2013

education and creativity

As I consider the future of education I have been impressed with Sir Ken Robinson's TED talks.  He has excellent insight into the outmoded nature of present education.  More than a scathing critique, Robinson makes a strong case for the importance of creativity. The need for creativity is essential not only to meet the needs of the future (which we can't even calculate) but more importantly it is essential for the health of the individual.
The thing about creativity is that we as humans are created for it. We have a unique capability for it.  Of all the animals, we alone have the capacity for abstraction. It is this ability to see what is not there, to use our understanding of the concrete world and extrapolate.  We can imagine that which does not yet exist and with proper thought and discipline, we can make it manifest.  And surprisingly, it brings delight.  And delight is good for the soul.

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